
Most people look past Walmart.com when shopping for outdoor gear due to the stigma that Walmart will not provide them with high-quality, long lasting products. Although Walmart is know for having low prices, that does not necessarily mean they are lacking in quality and durability. Some of our favorite items we take on outdoor adventures have come from Walmart.com. With free 2-day shipping on most items over $35, you can get the same high-quality products you may find at REI or Amazon for an everyday low price on Walmart.com.
We have had this tent from day one. This is the tent we bought for our very first camping trip, and it is the tent we have used for many years. Through national parks and state parks, packed in our car and packed in our luggage as we have flown across the country, this tent is the perfect size for almost every adventure.
With easy assembly using the shock-corded poles, ventilation throughout, and convenient rainfly, we have used this tent in weather ranging from 40-80 degrees, rainstorms, windstorms, and thunderstorms with zero rips or tears.
The general rule-of-thumb is that you should buy a tent advertised to fit one more person than intended. For example, since this Coleman is a 4-person tent, expect to comfortably fit 3 people in order to allow room for blankets and luggage.
Shop: Tents
You do not have to spend a ton of money on a Yeti, Pelican, or Orca in order have a long-lasting, quality cooler. Walmart's private label, Ozark Trails, makes a hard sided 52 and 73 quart cooler that can compete with the rest at half the price. Using the proper pre-chilling techniques, this cooler holds ice for roughly a week.
Similar to the name brands, it has T-handle latches, heavy-duty grip handles, a stainless steal locking plate and bottle opener, and is certified bear resistant. If you are looking for a cooler that will keep your food cold on a week-long trip, why spend more money for unneeded features? Ozark Trail coolers have a 5 year warranty, but should last a lifetime of adventures. Compared to a Yeti Tundra Cooler at $300, this Ozark Trails Hard Sided Cooler is half the price!
Shop: Ozark Trail Coolers
What we like to call our "banana boat", the Intex Explorer 2 Person Inflatable Kayak is perfect for on-the-go adventures. With pump, oars, and carrying bag included, this kayak is a great value and deflates down to a manageable size to throw in any truck.
Save some money on a car rack or storage racks that may be required for a hard-sided kayak and simply pump up the Intex Inflatable Kayak in under 10 minutes. We have had this kayak for several years and find it durable and made of quality materials that will last many adventures on water.
Shop: Inflatable Kayaks
With most lightweight stoves on the market starting at $70, this cookware set comes with 12 pieces, including a stove and 2 non-stick pots for half the price! Having tested many of the more expensive lightweight stoves, we can assure you that it was hard to tell the difference when using this product.
Compact, lightweight, durable, and dependable, this is another one of our staple camping products. Our second favorite piece in the kit is the 2 non-stick pots that can fit the fuel container and lightweight stove within, making the space in your backpack fully maximized. We are very impressed with how durable and easy these pots are to clean. Lastly, it is all wrapped up in a mesh bag to allow for drying on the go!
Shop: Camp Cookware
The Kymit Static V Camping Sleeping Pad with V-shaped design delivers superior support and comfort no matter how you sleep, whether on your side, stomach or back. The Twist-Pull Valve is secure and simple, allowing for inflation in as few as 10 breaths, and opens wide for rapid, complete deflation.
The 75D Polyester Material provides superior tear, puncture and abrasion resistance for minimal weight at only 18.1 oz, which is considerably less than other air mattresses and self-inflating pads of the same size, thickness and R-Value.
Pair with the Kylmit Luxe Outdoor Lightweight Camping Pillow, with thoughtfully designed weld patterns that help to center and stabilize your head in order to maintain comfortable contact with the pillows surface. The perfect pair for any backpacking trip, packing light does not have to mean sacrificing comfort with the Kylmit sleeping pad and pillow.
Shop: Sleeping Pads
With this Ozark Trail Stainless Steel 12-Cup Percolator, you can get that fresh-brewed campfire coffee taste you crave. For those camping trips on cold nights, a percolator is a must-have piece of camping equipment. This percolator from Ozark Trail is the perfect way to serve up hot tea to friends around the campfire or to enjoy a hot cup of coffee as you take an early rise to watch the sun come up.
This percolator is made with durable stainless steel, has a comfortable wooden handle grip, an easy-pour spout, and is complete with a flip-open top and convenient carrying handle. Stay warm on a cool night out in the great outdoors with the Ozark Trail Stainless Steel 12-Cup Percolator. Compared to a Stanley Adventure Percolator at $40, this Ozark Trails Percolator is half the price!
Shop: Camp Cookware
Amazing tools come in small packages. This Ozark Trail solar rechargeable lantern and power bank is a versatile outdoor companion to assist in lighting up your tent or charging your devices.
With three different light settings and the ability to recharge via the solar panel or a micro USB cable, you will find this small but mighty tool coming in handy no matter where your adventures take you. Compared to the Goal Zero Crush Light at $20, enjoy half the price and double the value with this Ozark Trail Expandable Solar Lantern.
Shop: Camp Lighting
This Teton Sports Scout pack is an incredible value holding 55 liters, the perfect size to carry all the gear you need for a 2-4 day trip out in the wilderness. Teton Sports is a leader in the outdoor industry and includes all of the bells and whistles to keep you comfortable while hiking, including adjustments around the torso, waist, and chest, as well as, a durable open-cell foam lumbar pad and molded channels for air flow.
Complete with pass-through side pockets to accommodate tent or trekking poles, compartments to hold your lightweight tent, sleeping bag, or sleeping pad, and a compartment to hold up to a 3-Liter bladder. This pack is made with strong, durable materials that will not only last your multi-day backpacking trip, but a lifetime.
Teton Sports has a lifetime warranty on their products so you can rest assured purchasing a backpack from them is a great investment. Heading out on a longer backpacking trip? The Teton Sports Explorer 4000 is another incredible pack holding 65 liters and is suitable for 3-5 day trips.
Shop: Teton Sports Backpacks
What better way to drink some craft brews around the campfire then with these Ozark Trail 20 oz. Beer Steins! On a hot summer day, the double-wall vacuum insulation will keep your drinks cold and tasting fresh throughout the night.
Not just for cold drinks, the high grade-stainless steel is equally suited for both hot and cold beverages. With a durable, sweat-free design, these beer steins come with a lifetime warranty and are a great gift for family and friends!
Shop: Camp Cookware
One of the most useful items in our pack is our fast-drying microfiber towel. They take up hardly any room and come in handy whether looking to dry off from a quick swim, lay down a picnic blanket, or protect your shoulders from the sun. These towels are an amazing value compared to name brand towels of equal quality.
We have had many people inquiring about where they can get a towel like this one, as it is truly a universal travel item. Compared to Matador NanoDry Towels at $35, this Ozark Trails Quick Drying Towel is one seventh of the price!
The Ozark Trail Himont Compact Camp Lite Chair is the perfect seat to kick back and relax in while camping, backpacking, concerts, festivals or sporting events. The Ozark Trail Himont Compact Camp Lite Chair features an aluminum shock-corded frame which easily assembles for a sturdy, comfortable seat that can be taken with you anywhere.
The Ozark Trail Himont Compact Camp Lite Chair features a mesh utility pouch hanging from the front which allows storage of a map, book, flashlight or phone. The breathable mesh seat helps keep you cool and comfortable and also drains and dries quickly. The Ozark Trail Himont Compact Camp Lite Chair can be stored away in a zippered carry bag with molle straps for easy transport. With a carry weight of less than 2 lbs., this chair is comparable to a $100 Helinox Chair, however, Ozark Trail is offering it for a quarter of the price!
Shop: Camp Chairs
Take your camping gear to the next level with the Ozark Trail 300 Lumen Rechargeable Multi-Color LED Headlamp. This rechargeable headlamp has 300 lumens of light output on high mode. Along with the high mode, this LED Headlamp features a low spot, high/low flood and red mode. Red mode is perfect for keeping your night vision in tact during the darker hours of the day.
Powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, the Ozark Trail 300 Lumen Rechargeable Multi-Color LED Headlamp has a 3-hour run time on high or a 37-hour run time on low/flood. Therefore, you can rest assured knowing that the Ozark Trail 300 Lumen Rechargeable Multi-Color Headlamp will provide you with hours of light for your early morning and late night camping adventures. The included USB charger makes charging this headlamp easy and convenient whenever and wherever you go.
Enjoy the Ozark Trail 300 Lumen Rechargeable Multi-Color LED Headlamp on your next camping adventure! Comparable to the Black Diamond Revolt Rechargeable Headlamp at $65, this Ozark Trails headlamps is a third of the price!
Shop: Camp Lighting
Brave the elements without sacrificing a thread of comfort with Ozark Trail Women's & Men's Wool-Blend Thermal Baselayers. Engineered with a double-knit, wool-blend fabric, these baselayers feature a mix of micro polyester and Merino wool to eliminate any itchiness while being active.
The high-performance technical layering and style make it great for the outdoors, keeping you comfortable, dry, and odor-free as you warm up and cool down. With standout features like thermoregulating technology and sun protection, these baselayers make extreme outdoor conditions feel comfortable. Comparable to Icebreaker Merino Wool Baselayer at $95, this Ozark Trails Baselayer is a third of the price!
Shop: Baselayers
The one waterproof shell everyone should own for all-season outdoor adventures. Built with Eddie Bauer's ultralight WeatherEdge 2.5-layer waterproof/breathable nylon shell, it also has a StormRepel DWR (durable water resistance) finish that sheds moisture. Easy packing for trek, trail, and casual travel, it stuffs compactly into the right hand zip pocket. With a waterproof front zipper and adjustable hood, Eddie Bauer will keep you warm and dry throughout the elements.